Monday, January 22, 2018

Quick post regarding pictures and tech issues.

So it's been like three years since I've even looked at this blog.

My post about the garden bench has been pinned 40,000 times. Literally.  Sadly, in the wind storm we had last October, two trees fell on it, and that was that.

Meanwhile, Photobucket wants me to pay $400 a year to host my pictures there.

Know what I think about that?


So I had to go fix a bunch of broken photos. 

Every photo in this blog was broken.

I'm working on it, and editing as I go.  Some entries are going away because they were filler then and are pointless now. The rest are going to be more focused and better than they were before.

And then...

guess what...

I really am pulling this blog out of retirement.  I mean, why not?

It's going to get a title change from Rose City Abode to...something... because I can actually edit my Pinterest pins to change links, so a name change is in order because we moved out of the Rose City Abode five years ago next month.

I mean, we have a house.  A house where we can tear down walls and tear up floors and do whatever the heck we want, because it's ours, and ain't-no-condo-association-gonna-kick-us-out-again.

Meanwhile, check out #gleasonsfirstgriswoldhouse on Instagram since that's where all the fun is.